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What is MPY Blockly?

MPY Blockly is a free visual programming tools for Micropython on ESP32.By stacking coloured blocks on top of each other a control program can be rapidly generated.

This simple click’n’drag programming method allows you to rapidly develop control sequences for real life microcontroller projects. This programming method is very similar to Scratch 3.

MPY Blockly also supports standard ‘text’ programming for those who prefer to use a text editor for programming.


MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.


A feature-rich MCU with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity for a wide-range of applications

Why MPY Blockly?

Key features

Simple to use
External Components
By simply dragging and dropping modules, even a beginner can quickly create works such as "Weather Station" without writing a single line of code.
Supports many external Components, Including hundreds of sensors, motors, audio and display devices.
Many protocols
Additional features
Built-in support for many communication protocols such as Wifi, Bluetooth, serial port, etc.
Built-in support for IoT protocols such as MQTT and Blynk
Built-in support for network time synchronization, weather services and other Internet protocols.
Built-in code editor.
Built-in serial monitor.
Auto save
Automatically detect serial ports

Features Datail

Category Icon Details
MCU ESP32 Chip functions, such as Pins and GPIO, ,Touch Keys, Timer, general borad control.
Control Python If...Else, Loop and Logic.
Text Python Common string operations
Math Python Mathematical functions
Variables Python Variable
Functions Python Functions
Network ESP32 Wifi, Client, AP, Radio(ESP NOW), HTTP Client and Socket
Storage Btree database, File operator and SD Card.
List Python Data Structre List
Tuple Python Data Structre Tuple
Set Python Data Structre Set
TFT&Mono Draw functions(rect,circle,text,image...), UI functions, TFT Drivers(ST7789, ST7735, ILI9431, SSD1351, SSD1331) and Monechrome Drivers(SSD1306, SSD1106, ST7302, PCD8455). Built-in six fonts and 360 bitmap icons.
7SegLed TM1367 4-digit 7-segment LED display
LCD LCD I2C ( LCD1602/1604/2004)
LED Matrix MAX7219 LED Matrix
Neopixel Neopixel RGB LEDs
Sensors Sensors include Temperature, Distance, Accelerometer, Motion Inertial, Compass, Colour, Proximity and Biometric.
Actuator Actuator Modules include Button, IR Remote, Rotary, Motor, Servo, Stepper, RTC, DAC, RFID and others.
Buzzer Music from buzzer
Audio Audio with I2S, Play MP3 or Wav, Record, TTS and Audio indentify.
Bus ESP32 I2C, I2S and SPI Bus
Bluetooth ESP32 Bluetooth includes Perpheral, Centeral, BLE HID and BLU UART.
IoT IoT functions include MQTT, Blynk and OMA Weather services.

Built-in supported Hardwares


ESP32 devkitC 32d ESP32 devkitC 32u ESP32 devkitC Wrover ESP32 goouuuu ESP32 mini borad ESP32 nodemcu 32s ESP32 t8 psram
ESP32 uno d1r32 FireBeetle ESP32

Display - TFT

ST7735 128x160 blue ST7735 128x160 red ST7735 128x128 red ST7735 80x160 blue ST7789 240x240 ST7789 135x240 SSD1351 128x128
SSD1351 128x96 SSD1331 96x64 ILI9341 240x320 red ILI9341 240x320 blue

Display - Monochrome

ssd1306 128x64 ssd1306 128x32 ssd1306 72x40 ssd1106 128x64 ssd1106 64x32 st7302 122x250 nokia5110 84x48

Display - Others

LCD 16x2 LCD 20x4 TM1367 segment led MAX7219 led matrix WS2812 led matrix WS2812 led ring WS2812 led strip

Sensors - Temperature

DHT11 Temp Humi DHT22 Temp Humi BMP280 Temp Humi Pressure BMP180 Temp Humi Pressuree SHT3x High Accuracy Temp Humi DS18B20 Temp MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer

Sensors - Distance&Acceleromter&Motion

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance VL53l0 ToF ranging VL53l1 ToF ranging LIS3DH 3-Axis Motion MPU6050 6-Axis Motion MPU9250 9-Axis Motion

Sensors - Others

APDS9930 Light Proximity MAX30102 Oximeter Heart-Rate TCS3472 Color HMC5883l 3-Axis Compass QMC5883 3-Axis Magnetic

Input - Button, Touch button, Joystick

Button Five buttons Joystick model 1 Joystick model 2 Touch button 1 Touch button 4 IR Remote

Motor, Servo and Stepper

L298N Motor Drive Controller L9110S Motor Drive Controller L9110S-4 Motor Drive Controller Stepper ULN2003 Driver SG90 Servo 180 SG90 Servo 360 MG90 Servo 180/360

RTC, DAC, RFID and Relay

RTC DS3231 RTC DS1307 RTC DS1302 DAC MCP4725 RFID MFRC522 Relay 1-channel Relay 2-channel

Common Sensors

IR detector Photorezistor Optical barrier Microphone RCWL-0516 PIR SB00422A-1 PIR HC-SR505
PIR 312 Infrared flame Hall probe Current sensor TCRT5000 IRtracing SW-1801P shock Light sensor